Student Name: PURUSHOTMA, RAVI K - Academic Profile - Admit Term :01F College/School Catalog Term :01F Degree Expected Term :03F MAJOR COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE :LS LINGUISTICS AND PSYCHOLOGY :518 Major Catalog Term :02F MINOR TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND OR FORGN LANG:M90 Minor Catalog Term :03W ----------------------------------------------- - High School Attended - MONTA VISTA HIGH SCHOOL 6/99 ----------------------------------------------- - Advanced Standing Credit - (RHI) Dept Course Lvl Grd Units ---- ------ --- --- ----- DE ANZA COLLEGE 9 6/01 CC 01F ASTR 3 ASTR-NATURE OF UNIV 5.0 ENGCOMP 3 ENGL COMP-RHET&LANG 5.0 GERMAN 1 ELEMENTARY GERMAN 5.0 HIST 1A WESTERN CIVILIZATN 4.0 HIST 1B WESTERN CIVILIZATN 4.0 LING 1 INTR-STUDY-LANGUAGE 4.0 PSYCH 10 INTRODUCTORY PSYCH 4.0 SPAN 1 ELEMENTARY SPANISH 5.0 SPAN 2 ELEMENTARY SPANISH 5.0 DANCE PERFORMANCE LD 1.0 ENGL READ WRITE THINK LD 5.0 HIST WOMEN IN AMER HIST LD 4.0 MUSIC PERFORMANCE LD 3.5 OBEE INTRO BIOL W/L LD 5.0 P E ACTIVITY LD 2.0 FOOTHILL COLLEGE 5 6/01 CC 01F STATS 10 STATISTCL REASONING 5.0 MUSIC 1A FUNDAMENTALS MUSIC 4.0 POL SCI 40 INTRO-AMERICN PLTCS 5.0 SPEECH 1 PRINC ORAL COMMNCTN 5.0 COMPTNG INTRO JAVA PROGRAMM LD 5.0 ECON EMERGING WRLD ECON LD 4.0 LING LING FUNC/GRAMMAR LD 4.0 MUSIC PERFORMANCE LD 2.0 POL SCI PST WW2 GERMANY LD 4.0 SPEECH ORAL COMMUNICATION LD 5.0 U C EAP 1 12/02 UC 02F NONDEPT BEGIN SWED CONVERS LD P 3.0 LING LANG ACQUISITION UD A 5.0 LING ADV PHONOLOGY UD A 5.0 LING CMPTR LING PROGMMNG UD A- 5.0 LING PSYCHOLINGUISTICS UD A 5.0 PSYCH NEUROPSYCHOLOGY UD A 5.0 DE ANZA COLLEGE 1 12/03 CC 03F GERMAN 6 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN 5.0 SPAN 3 ELEMENTARY SPANISH 5.0 ----- Total Non-UC Units 114.5 Excess CC Credit 9.5 Total Non-UC Transferred 105.0 Total UC Transferred 28.0 ----------------------------------------------- - UCLA Course Work - Please note that this is not a UCLA transcript. This is only to be used by UCLA and students for the purpose of assessing degree progress. Dept Course Grade Units GT ---- ------ ----- ----- -- Term 01F LING 103 INTRO-GEN PHONETICS B+ 4.0 AP&TESL C110 LANG EDUC&LEARNING A 4.0 LING 20 INTRO TO LINGUISTCS A 4.0 LING 120B SYNTAX I A- 4.0 Term 02W PSYCH 100A PSYCHOLOGICAL STATS B 4.0 AP&TESL C116 STRUC PRES-DAY ENGL B+ 4.0 G PSYCH 120A COGNITIVE PSYCH A+ 4.0 HNRS 67 STRCTR-PHYSICL RLTY A+ 4.0 HONORS CONTENT Term 02S PSYCH 100B RESEARCH METH-PSYCH A 6.0 PSYCH 85 INTRO-COGNITIVE SCI A- 4.0 AP&TESL C219 CUR ISS-LANGUAGE ED A+ 4.0 [Graduate level] PSYCH 269 SEM-COGNITIVE PSYCH A 4.0 [Graduate level] Term 02F EAP LUND--------------- Term 03W GERMAN 2 ELEMENTARY GERMAN A- 4.0 AP&TESL 202 LANGUAGE ACQUISITN A- 4.0 G [Graduate level] PSYCH 262 HUMAN LEARNG&MEMORY A- 4.0 [Graduate level] Term 03S AP&TESL C118 LANG TEACHNG PRCTCM P 4.0 PN GERMAN 3 ELEMENTARY GERMAN A- 4.0 PSYCH 133B COGNITIVE DEVELPMNT A 4.0 AP&TESL 229 CUR ISS-LANG ACQSTN A 4.0 G [Graduate level] AP&TESL C112 READNG-SCND LANG ED A 4.0 LING 195 SENIOR ESSAY A+ 4.0 HONORS CONTENT Last Completed Univ Calif Term Cumulative Units Attempted 114.0 Units Passed 114.0 Graded Attempted 107.0 Graded Passed 107.0 Grade Points 409.7 Grade Point Balance 195.7 Grade Point Average 3.829 To encourage broad participation, units in courses 89, 89HC, 99, 189, 189HC, 190, 193 & 194 will not count toward the max units allocated to each student (as of 1/14/04) This special adjustment will not be on your DPR but will be made by your Degree Auditor in preparation for the awarding of your degree. These units do count toward the 180 unit minimum and financial aid. ------------------------------------------ NOTE:A maximum of 32 units of graded upper division tutorials (195s-199s) is allowed. Tutorials in excess of this limit MUST be taken on a P/NP basis. Only 8 units of tutorials are allowed per quarter. ----------------------------------------------- - College/School and University Requirements - ENTRY-W/SUBJ A: SATISFIED AMERICAN HISTORY & INSTITUTIONS: SATISFIED WRITING I: SATISFIED WRITING II: SATISFIED QUANTITATIVE REASONING: SATISFIED FOREIGN LANGUAGE: SATISFIED --- For Students In G.E. Clusters: Upon completion of the 3rd quarter of a cluster, you will earn credit for four General Education requirements. Please consult your College Counselor concerning the application of specific GE cluster courses on GE requirements. --- ----------------------------------------------- - General Education Requirements - Dept Course Term Grade Units GT ---- ------ ---- ----- ----- -- Language Sequence/Limit Restrictions You are exempt from all UCLA General Education (GE) requirements because you completed IGETC. You are also exempt from Writing I & II, Quantitative Reasoning, and Foreign Language. ----------------------------------------------- - Major Requirements - Dept Course Term Grade Units GT ---- ------ ---- ----- ----- -- Prep for Linguistics and Psychology Lingusistics 20 LING 20 01F A 4.0 Psychology 10 PSYCH 10 01F 4.0 Psychology 100A PSYCH 100A 02W B 4.0 Psychology 100B PSYCH 100B 02S A 6.0 Psychology 85 PSYCH 85 02S A- 4.0 - - - - - Sixth quarter in a foreign language German GERMAN 6 03F 5.0 - - - - - - - - - - A third term in ANOTHER foreign language Spanish SPAN 3 03F 5.0 - - - - - - Completed - Petition department to accept F. L. course to satisfy Third quarter in another foreign language requirement. Program In Computing 10A is strongly recommended. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UD Linguistics and Psychology - 11 crs Linguistics 103, 120A, 120B, C130, C132 LING 103 01F B+ 4.0 LING 120B 01F A- 4.0 LING LANG ACQUISITION 02F A 5.0 Course substitution applied LING 1/8/04 KG/JR = LING C130 LING ADV PHONOLOGY 02F A 5.0 Course substitution applied LING 1/8/04 KG/JR = LING 120A LING PSYCHOLINGUISTICS 02F A 5.0 Course substitution applied LING 1/8/04 KG/JR = LING C132 One UD elective in Linguistics (no C/L) LING 195 03S A+ 4.0 Psychology 120A, 121, 133B PSYCH 120A 02W A+ 4.0 PSYCH 133B 03S A 4.0 PSYCH 269 02S A 4.0 Course substitution applied LING 1/8/04 KG/JR = PSYCH 121 Two Psychology courses from selected list PSYCH 262 03W A- 4.0 Course substitution applied LING 2/11/04 KG/JR = PSYCH ELECTIVE PSYCH NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 02F A 5.0 Course substitution applied LING 1/8/04 KG/JR = PSYCH ELECTIVE - Completed - Linguistics C135 and 165A or 165B (or 200A or 200B with a grade of 'A'in 120A or 120B respectively and consent of instructor) are strongly recommended. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unused Courses in the Department of Major LING 1 01F 4.0 LING LING FUNC/GRAMMAR 01F 4.0 LING CMPTR LING PROGMMNG 02F A- 5.0 ----------------------------------------------- - Minor Requirements - Dept Course Term Grade Units GT ---- ------ ---- ----- ----- -- TESFL MINOR Linguistics 20 LING 20 01F A 4.0 One of AL/TESL 101, 101W, C110 AP&TESL C110 01F A 4.0 AL/TESL C116 AP&TESL C116 02W B+ 4.0 G AL/TESL C118 AP&TESL C118 03S P 4.0 PN Two of AL/TESL C111,C112,C113,C115,C117 AP&TESL C112 03S A 4.0 AP&TESL C219 02S A+ 4.0 Course substitution applied AP&TESL 032503 LFB LRM crs equivalent Two Additional Electives (see list) AP&TESL 202 03W A- 4.0 G Course substitution applied AP&TESL 032503 LFB LRM crs equivalent AP&TESL 229 03S A 4.0 G Course substitution applied ap&tesl 111003 LFB LRM crs equivalent Requirement GPA in Units Completed: 3.857 Minimum Requirement GPA Needed: 2.00 - Completed - ***** All minor courses must be taken for a letter grade, except for C118, and a minimum grade of 'C' must be received. Five courses (20 units) applied toward the minor must be taken independently of your major requirements. You should consult with the departmental advisor before enrolling in any courses for the minor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- - Residence Requirements - Out of the last 45 units you complete for your degree, 35 units must be taken in residence at UCLA. No more than 99 of these residence units may be from UCLA Summer Sessions programs. - MINORS & SPECIALIZATIONS - Students intending to graduate with a minor or specialization MUST petition to enter the minor or specialization by their final term. - COMMUNITY COLLEGE RESTRICTION - Students will NOT earn UNIT CREDIT for Community College coursework after having completed 105 units. ----------------------------------------------- - Upper Division Requirements - Upper Division units required: 60.0 Upper Division units completed: 91.0 Upper Division units in progress: .0 ----- Upper Division units needed: .0 - Residence Requirements - The Major A minimum of 24 upper division units must be completed in residence in the major. ----------------------------------------------- - Credit Deductions - Sequence restriction deductions: NONE Credit limit deductions: NONE ----------------------------------------------- - Summary - Minimum units required: 180 Maximum units allowed: 216 Total UC units completed: 114.0 Total number of units in progress: 0.0 Total non-UC transferred: 105.0 Additional college excess CC ( 0.5) Credit deductions: ( 0.0) ----- Total Number of Units: 218.5 Overall Degree Progress GPA: 3.829 LATIN HONORS Honors with the Bachelor's Degree are awarded according to your overall GPA at GRADUATION. To be eligible, YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED 90 OR MORE GRADED UNITS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Coursework taken on the Education Abroad Program will apply. Required GPAs in effect in your graduating year determine your eligibility and are subject to change on an annual basis. Effective Fall 2004, the following apply: CUM LAUDE: 3.620 min. overall GPA MAGNA CUM LAUDE: 3.758 min. overall GPA SUMMA CUM LAUDE: 3.846 min. overall GPA -----------------------------------------------
For problems with your Degree Progress Report: (College of Letters & Science Undergraduates) (School of Arts & Architecture students) Date - Time : 06-29-2005 8:18:02 AM